Thursday, April 2, 2015

True Detective: Hart and Cohle

Hart and Cohle
Oil on Illustration Board
13" x 19"
True Detective was one of the most intense, smart and visually inspiring shows I have seen in a long time.  Even a year later, I find myself thinking about this show and it's probably about time I sat down for a rewatch. On top of the stunning cinematography, Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey created two of the most fascinating and complex characters on TV.  Around the season finale last year, I began the first of these portraits with Rusty on the right as an oil demo for a class. I enjoyed it so much I kept working on it and then drew out a portrait of Marty Hart to go along. Unfortunately, as these things go, the paintings often got put aside so I could work on other things.  So it took me a while of working here and there between projects to get them finished. On top of that, I was trying some different experiments with texture and ended up playing around, starting over, trying new things, failing, starting over and then finally moving on. All in all, these were very fun to make and I can't wait to see the second season. 

Oil on Illustration Board
13" x 19" 

Oil on Illustration Board
13" x 19"